
Progress chart in Excel

Inserting a progress chart has multiple reasons. Regardless of the reason, we will do it together. But first, let’s layout the data that looks something like this:
data table

Note: The green, red and yellow signs you’d see between the values were made by following these steps: home > conditional formatting > icon set > shapes.

To insert progress chart in Excel do as follows:

Mark the data (1), click insert (2), then click bar chart (3), and finally click on one of the options (4).

insert bar chart

Click add chart element (1), data labels (2), and inside end (3).

data labels inside end

Note: The “Add Chart Element” would be visible, the moment the chart was inserted.

In the end, the chart would look like this:

ready progress chart

Thanks to these few simple steps you created Progress Chart to your Excel spreadsheet.

Of course you can proceed with further formatting. Many of possibilities you can find on our website.


You can download the Template here – Download
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