How to add and remove hyperlink in Word
Hyperlinks are also called as a link or web link. This is usually a blue or purple text that you can use on your document to access a new document or a particular section of a document within the current document.
Hyperlinks allow you to access the document in the form of the following:
- Text
- document
- Image
- URLs
- Videos
- Controls (a button)
Add a hyperlink in Word document
Adding a hyperlink helps users to easily access the related web pages.
To add a hyperlink in the Word document, you can follow the following methods –
Method 1: Using Keyboard key
It is the simplest and fastest way to insert a hyperlink in the Word document.
- Open the Word document, where you want to insert a hyperlink.
- Type the address of the webpage.
- Place cursor after the webpage address and press ENTER or SPACEBAR key.
- Now, you can see that Word automatically converts the web address into a hyperlink.
Press Ctrl + Click to access the hyperlink.
Method 2: Using link options
Follow the below steps to add a hyperlink using the link option.
Step 1: Open the Word document in which you want to add a hyperlink.
Step 2: Highlight or select the text that you want to create a hyperlink. Right-click on the selected text, a list of options will appear on the screen. Click on the Hyperlink option, as shown in the screenshot below.
Step 3: An Insert Hyperlink dialog box will appear on the screen in which do the following:
- Click on the Existing File or Web Page option from the Link to: section.
- Click on the Current Folder option from the Look in: section.
- Select the document, or you can also type the web page address to link with the hyperlink.
- Click on the OK button at the bottom of the screen.
The screenshot below shows that a Hyperlink is added in the Word document.
Edit a Hyperlink
Once you create a hyperlink in Word document, you can also edit it based on your requirement.
Follow the below steps to edit a hyperlink in the Word document –
Step 1: Open the Word document.
Step 2: Right-click on the document that you want to edit.
Step 3: A list of options window will appear on the screen. Click on the Edit Hyperlink option.
Step 4: An Edit Hyperlink dialog box will appear on the screen. Edit the hyperlink based on your requirement and click on the OK button at the bottom of the screen.
Highlight the hyperlink that you want to edit and click on the Ctrl+K key from the keyboard.
Remove Hyperlink
Remove hyperlink is not a difficult task for Microsoft Word users. You can follow the below easiest methods to remove hyperlinks from the Word document.
Method 1: Remove a single hyperlink
To remove hyperlink from the Word document, select the hyperlink that you want to remove, and press the Ctrl+Shift+F9 key from the keyboard.
Method 2: Remove all hyperlink
Microsoft Word allows to you remove all hyperlink using the below steps &-
- Open the Word document.
- Press Ctrl+A to select all text present in the Word document.
- Press the Ctrl+Shitf+F9 key from the keyboard to remove all hyperlinks.
Once you do the above-mentioned steps, you can see that all hyperlinks are removed from your Word document.
Method 3: Remove hyperlink using a hyperlink dialog box
Follow the below-mentioned steps to remove hyperlink from the Word document:
Step 1: Open the Word document in which you want to remove the hyperlink.
Step 2: Highlight or select the hyperlink that you want to remove.
Step 3: Right-click on the selected text, a list of options will appears on the screen. Click on the Remove Hyperlink option to remove the hyperlink.
Now, you can see that hyperlink is removed from the Word document.