
How To Use COUNTIF To Remove Duplicates

In this Excel tutorial we will write countif to remove duplicates.

Sometimes you may need to find duplicates without removing them.

Countiif Excel function will help you with that.

We have such data in column A.

countif to remove duplicates source data

In column B I will create Countif formula:


The formula will count how many times the value occurs in the whole column.

countif to remove duplicates countif formula

Drag the formula down to check every value in the data set.

countif to remove duplicates found

Now you can see duplicated data. Every value above 1 means that there are duplicates of this value in the data set.

You can filter duplicates out.

Here's how to use filters in Excel.

countif to remove duplicates filter

And here are duplicated values with the number how many times they occur.

countif to remove duplicates filtered

That’s how you spotted duplicates with countif formula. Duplicated data is not removed. Next you can work on this duplicates eg. cut/paste them to the other sheet or clean data.


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