
Conditional Formatting For A Row

You are going to learn, how to format whole row not only one cell. It can be useful for some reports or presentations.

Format row formatted

You have some sales report.

Format row sales report

You can format rows, which sales is more then 10 000$. First select your data without headings.

Format row select data

Next go to the ribbon and click Conditional Formatting and New Rule.

Format row new rule ribbon

On the dialog box choose Use a formula to determine which cells to format option.

Format row new rule

Write down =$B5>$C$2 formula.

Format row formula

Next click Format and choose how your rows will be formatted. I clicked Fill and chose yellow background.

Format row fill

Click OK and see you data formatted? Conditional Format row

This is how Conditional Formatting for a row is working. Isn’t it easy?


You can download the Template here – Download
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