
Sorting Data In Pivot Table In Excel

In this article you will learn how to sort data in a pivot table. You may need this for better visual eg. top buyers.

1. Mark the data (1), click insert (2), and then click Pivot Table (3). It will create a pivot table.


sorting data

2. Check the label (1), then click on it, and drag it to the field of your need in your pivot table(2).

check label

3. Click the arrow on Row Labels or Column Labels, and then click the sort option you want. To sort data in ascending or descending order, click Sort A to Z or Sort Z to A.

sort a to z

4. To find additional sorting options, click on more sort options.

additional sorting options

Note: Manual sort option allows manual sorting through dragging. Items can be rearranged by dragging them (values cannot be dragged)

5. Ascending (A to Z) by and Descending (Z to A) helps you in sorting according to alphabetical order and according to sum of quantity.

ascending a to z

6. In more options you can tick sort automatically every time the report is updated. It will automatically sort the data when your pivot table is updated.

sort automatically

After this step the data in your pivot table will be sorted.


You can download the Template here – Download
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